Email servers to use in mac mail for outlook gmail comcast yahoo
Email servers to use in mac mail for outlook gmail comcast yahoo

email servers to use in mac mail for outlook gmail comcast yahoo

  • Ensure your recipient checks their DocuSign emails are not simply landing in their Junk or Spam folder.
  • If you want to send an email notification to a recipient who's currently set to an embedded signer type, you can remove that recipient completely from the envelope when using Correct, and add them as a remote signer (a recipient with a name and email address with "Needs to sign" as their role type) by clicking "Add recipient" during the Correct process. Uncheck the Signing Setting "Suppress emails to embedded signers" to allow for emails to be sent to signers who are set as embedded. See more about PowerForm creation and settings here. Note: PowerForm initiators (those who begin a PowerForm) are automatically set as embedded signers, by design - as long as "Require email validation" is not checked on the associated PowerForm.

    #Email servers to use in mac mail for outlook gmail comcast yahoo code#

    Note: It's common that recipients will become set as embedded signers through an API call that specifically sets them this way using a clientUserID code (see Step 1 of the Embedded Signing - REST API Guide ). Using embedded recipients you can let users sign or send documents directly through your UI, avoiding the context-switch to email. This option is only used with the embedded signing function and cannot be selected if the Send completion emails to embedded signers option is selected. Suppress emails to embedded signers: When selected, an email completion notice is not sent to embedded signers when envelope signing is completed. Suppressing email notifications to embedded signers is expected behavior, and is by design, due to the account-wide setting known as "Suppress emails to embedded signers" in the Signing Settings of DocuSign's Settings area. Please contact Support for assistance if the below article doesn't help. Note: There's no way to tell in the User Interface that a recipient is set to captive. PowerForm initiators/Captive Signers/Embedded Signers don't receive email notifications by default. If the signer is still not receiving the notification email, you can try to resend the document to them at an alternate email address on a different email provider (i.e. Below are some steps to help prevent this behavior. Once your recipient has confirmed that these steps have been taken, you may need to Resend the envelope in order to send a new notification email.Īuto-forwarding of emails may also cause issues as DocuSign can only ensure the notification reached the email that is was sent directly to. Occasionally, DocuSign Email notifications may be blocked by either your recipient's email server, firewall, email provider, or email client (such as MS Outlook). You can set up a sequential routing order, where each recipient receives the email notification once the previous recipient has completed their action or parallel signing order where all recipients receive the document at the same time. The signing order lets senders control the order in which recipients receive and sign your documents. If an envelope has more than one recipient, Senders can choose to Set a signing order. Or reaching out to the signer to have them check their spam folders. Tip: Use Correct to change the recipient's email address. Unfortunately, there is nothing you can do as the sender to resolve this beyond trying an alternate email address. Everyone’s email server settings, spam control, firewall, and anti-virus settings are set up differently.

    email servers to use in mac mail for outlook gmail comcast yahoo

    If you're the recipient who's not receiving email notifications, please follow these steps, in addition to this article.Įmails can become redirected to their email clients spam/junk folders. Why aren't my signers receiving DocuSign Notification emails?There are several reasons recipients may claim to not receive email.

    Email servers to use in mac mail for outlook gmail comcast yahoo